Friday, July 31, 2009

Song meaning and emotion

Song meaning and emotion is mostly unexplainable in science. But everyone will tell you how the music created by emotional songwriting affects the emotions and mind. The emotional impact of music is subjective. An emotionally powerful song hits each person differently.

Memories of the song, where the song is played, the mood of the person hearing it and cultural differences all affect the emotion felt by individuals. This makes it hard to know exactly what emotional response will be experienced.

Have you ever watched a movie without the music score? Sound a bit flat and uninteresting? Again its music or the song meaning that helps set out mood. The music or song meaning selected in movies is very consciously placed to match the mood at any particular time in the show.

Music causes significant emotions to be experienced by listeners. Music also has the ability to calm and relax. Ever have a song put you to sleep? Love of music is universal across cultures.Scientific research suggests that a song played in major keys with fast tempo creates happiness in the listener while minor keys and slow tempo result in sadness. Minor keys and dissonance cause fear. How many songs do you have etched in your mind around significant events in your life?......

Behind every great song, is a great meaning. We may get our own interpretation from the words of a song. Listen to the words of a song, and try to relate it to you as a person. Figure out exactly what the words mean and how it touches you......


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to have a good attitude

Be grateful. If you choose to focus on the good things in your life, you are happier. Everyone has challenges, but you can decide whether you want to focus on the many blessings and good things or on the bad. You can't choose what happens to you all the time, but you can CHOOSE how to react to it.
.....You CHOOSE to see the glass half full or half empty. Do something kind for someone else. When you do nice things for others, you feel happier and it helps you to focus on something other than your self and your problems. Do things sooner than later. Set a time limit. Exercise. Try to spend at least 20 minutes exercising three times a week. You will feel better physically and that will elevate your mood........

......Slow down. Try to eliminate things that aren't that necessary so you can have some time to do things you want. By filling up your own bucket, you have more to give. Living life like you are on a constant treadmill isn't very rewarding. Slow down and don't just let things happen. It is your life and you are in charge. Make it the way you want!.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Communication through body language

Communication through body language has been going on for over a million years but has only been scientifically studied to any extent in the last twenty years or so; it became popular during the 1970s. By the end of this century it will have been ‘discovered’ by people throughout the world and I predict that its impact and meaning in human communication will be part of formal education. This blog has served as an introduction to body language and I encourage you to seek further knowledge through your own research and experience and through the examples given.

Ultimately, society will be your best research and testing ground. Conscious observation of your own actions and those of others is the best way for each person to gain a better understanding of the communication methods of the earth’s most complex and interesting beast - man himself.

The remainder of this blog is devoted to social and business situations and shows how gestures and body signals occur in clusters and the circumstances that may affect your interpretation.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Do you have a good dating mindset

It's difficult to remain upbeat and positive when you have a string of bad dates or boring, unattractive people. When the bad experiences pile up you get numb to the whole dating thing. What's the point of trying if things are going to continue to break down?...

Our dating mindset has a strong role in the success of relationships. The mind reacts to experiences, and the mental outlook on dating shifts in relation to these experiences. Basically, we are up for dating or we are against it. Here are the different mindsets I've been through:

Jadedness means I've lost faith in dating and love. I don't think it's going to lead to happiness even if it does work out. I'm not particularly happy on my own, but the process and idea of dating is so daunting that I feel more comfortable being alone. I also convince myself that I don't like anyone I meet and I never will. Because jadedness leads to fear of dating, I act in self defeating ways and specifically go for people that are unavailable, knowing in the back of my mind that things won't work out....

When I am in "No Luck" mode, I are kindred spirits. I try like the dickens to get something to work, but convince myself it's not in the cards for me to be happily dating. And even if it does work out, then something will go wrong to destroy everything. it gets really bad when I've convinced myself that I don't deserve to be happy in a relationship....

This is where I want to be, but it's tough to remain level headed when I feel lonely and put pressure on myself. This is that great time in my life when I'm balanced, and if something doesn't work out I'm fine with being alone until something does work out. I give it my best shot because I'm ready to date, and I succeed in other facets of my life. I meet a lot of people just to meet new people and not necessarily to date them. If something doesn't work out, then there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

At first glance, a confident mindset seems like it would be a good one to have. But when I'm confident it leads to careless behavior. I go out expecting things to go well, and I don't think about consequences for mistakes or risky behavior. When I'm feeling confident, I see no reason to focus on one women, and it leads to a lot of different projects that may work out short term, but are not emotionally rewarding.
I hate when I get like this, and it's strange that I flip the switch from jaded to whimsical so quickly. When I meet someone and I get their number or there's some other little positive development, I do the the 'destiny math' in my head...

"If I hadn't been here at this time because of this circumstance, I would have never met her. This feels different than all the others, it's destined to work out."
I get so whimsical at times, I think of what my parents would think of a girl, what our wedding would be like, and other future endeavors all after a few meetings.
This is a dangerous mindset because it gets you high, and you fall harder when things don't work out. And that hard fall can push you into some of the more negative mindsets on this list. This mindset causes over analysis and all that tension you feel when you're waiting for email responses or return phone calls texts because you want it to work out so badly....

My strategy for staying level headed is to hold hope that somewhere in the future I'll meet that special someone and it will work out, while keeping the bar low. Going on some dates with no expectations, would be helpful. And I got some good advice about being whimsical: it's fun to look back and see how destiny brought you together, but only after you're in the relationship. But in order to get level headed, I need to shake the jadedness that keeps me from trying, and believing in dating and love.What dating mindsets have you had? Have you ever felt the ones I mentioned above? How do you stay level headed in dating?....


How to feel great - simple tips for being happy

If you were to meet me in person, I'd probably smile at you - not know who you are, where you're from or what you do. Generally, I'm a happy person and like to spread some cheer throughout. Here are some simple tips for feeling great, it starts on the inside and spreads out.

You don't have to look like a model to feel great and invariably, the one day you leave the house in the worst possible condition - is the day you will run into a client, your bosses boss, an old flame. So when you walk out the door - be content that if you see that person, you can SMILE and say HELLO!!!

When you achieve to feel great, your heart is very important. The Beatles said, "Hey, you've got to hide your love away." But to feel GREAT this is not true.

When you feel GREAT you're generally not rushed. You've got some time for unexpected stops, changes in your schedule, a last minute lunch. Don't schedule your time to where there is nothing left.

If you're going to feel great you need to determine what it will take to make you feel GREAT. Consider yourself in the equation, and what you are doing to keep you from feeling GREAT at this time. Make time for you, make sure you are not stretched too thin, and look towards feeling GREAT, find creative ways to live the life you've dreamed of....

My music

This is my music page, where you will get to see all of my likes and maybe even a few dislikes of music (only in my opinion though). I think I am smart laid back about what I like to hear. I love heavy metal ballad especially 80’s year music...basically almost anything and everything. I just like music can catch my feeling and ear. A lot of times, though, it depends on what kind of mood I am in. Say, if I’m feeling sad, I love to listen Dokken song like alone again. Or, if I’m in a bad mood, I’ll listen to thrash/ heavy group like Flotsam and Jetsam (No place for a disgrace) or Iron Maiden (Two minute to midnight song)...all that good stuff.Awesome…here is one of my favorite songs "Alone again" by Dokken.


Tips to Look Beautiful

Every woman would like to look beautiful because most people say that beauty means having one of the most comfort things of life. Getting your beauty is not a simple thing because you need to do some tips to make it real. But, you can do it if you want to.In fact, getting the beauty look could be easy if you know what the ways are. Here, you can see some tips if you would like to look beautiful. Also, these tips make you healthy so you could enjoy your lives.
You need to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water everyday. It could reduce your hunger but it will make you healthy.

You need to take a balanced diet in your consumption.

You could drink the combination of water and honey every morning. It keeps your skin smooth and shiny.

You should take shower in longer time because it could help you in removing the dead skin. Also, you should avoid the use of towel because it could hurt your healthy skin.

You could massage your body with milk to make your skin looks healthy and smooth.

You could apply tomato and cucumber juice for 10 minutes so your skin could be fair.

You should care your consumption of nutrients. They help to stay away from sickness and also help you in being healthy.

You should keep your room temperature moderate. It could prevent your skin from dryness.
You could take rose petals and grind them which combine with cream on the top of milk. It could help you maintain your healthy skin.

Beauty and raw food

Heating food above 105 degrees Fahrenheit destroys the enzymes as well as up to 50% of the protein and 70-90% of the vitamins and minerals. Eating cooked food overtaxes the body’s enzyme reserves. Eating more raw food decreases the amount of digestive enzymes your body has to produce. Raw foods are foods in their natural state with the enzymes left intact. Enzymes are needed to perform many functions in the body including digestion, assimilation and elimination of food. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, premature aging and low energy. Raw foods high in enzymes include sprouts,papaya and pineapple.Free radicals damage your skin and interfere with collagen production causing premature aging. Antioxidants counteract free radicals that age the skin. Berries, especially blueberries, are potent antioxidants that promote collagen which reduces wrinkles. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit help rid the body of free radicals keeping the skin looking young. Foods high in the antioxidant beta carotene including carrots and apricots protect the skin against sun damage.

CoenzymeQ10 is an effective antioxidant involved in the energy process and present in every cell in the body. CoQ10 levels in the body diminish with age. CoQ10 destroys free radicals and slows aging. Spinach, broccoli and peanuts are foods high in CoQ10.Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the strength of other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, and assists the body’s energy production.

Alpha-lipoic acid can be found in spinach, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, tomatoes and peas. Sulfur is a mineral present in every cell in your body. It is needed in collagen production and for healthy skin, hair and nails. Organic sulfur levels in food are lost when processed,heated or dried. Sulfur is known to help improve skin conditions such as acne. High sulfur content foods include asparagus,broccoli, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, red pepper, garlic, onion, watercress and kale.