Ask questions of any kind. Sometimes asking silly questions is the best way to boost confidence, and people greatly admire those who show no fear of being judged. You have nothing to prove to anyone; be silly, be spontaneous, have fun conversations. These are really good ways to prove to others that you are confident.
Hold your head up high. Have tall, straight posture.
Make eye contact. Don't look down or from side to side.
When shaking hands, have a firm grip, but not too firm!
Speak loudly and clearly. Think before you speak so you have a clear idea of what to say. If you tend to jumble words in an attempt to rush through what you're saying, slow down.
Smile. Always show your pearly whites.
Laugh. Make it look like you are always having fun. Laugh at your mistakes; you'll seem more happy.
Keep busy. Don't just stand around. Meet new people. Share a funny joke, join clubs, do social things.
Take compliments gracefully by always smiling and saying a simple "thank you." If someone pays you a compliment, do not respond by putting yourself down. If possible, compliment the other person in your response (for instance, by saying something like "Oh, how sweet of you to notice" or "Oh, that's nice of you to say that.")
Be honest. People like you more if they feel they're able to trust you and you are able to trust yourself. If you make a mistake, make a full apology, without excuses.
Appreciate yourself for who you are. Acting in a confident manner will make you appear to be more confident, but it's also important to find value in yourself as an individual. This will give you real confidence. You are someone special, you have a beautiful smile, and you're good at lots of things! Make a list of these things for yourself, and remind yourself often of your great qualities.