Acknowledge that you are a person who is having a hard time being punctual. As with any problem, you cannot fix it if you're in denial that it's a problem at all.
Be conscious of the time, keep your watch accurate, keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that displays time in each room of your house.
Don't be an optimist. Things usually take significantly longer than you'd expect, even without major delays. Wake up when you're supposed to wake up, commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything, bring something you can read in short segments almost everywhere you go, Re-examine how long your daily tasks really take. Watch yourself for a few days to see where you often waste the most time.Make a note of where you should be in regards to time.
Keep organized. Disorganization is directly related to lateness.
Plan ahead, schedule something unimportant right before something very important, pick out your clothes the night before, If you are going to some unfamiliar place, look over a map, or even drive there once if at all possible. If you are depending on another person for a ride—have a plan B!.
Go to sleep on time. This makes it a lot easier to get up on time and helps you stay on task during the day.