I'm about to show you how simple positive thinking and affirmations when combined with other powerful techniques will improve your life tremendously.....By working with positive thinking, affirmations and other self improvement techniques you will be able to change your reality by attracting the positive situations, circumstances and events that will help you achieve all your goals. This is done by properly communicating with the power of your mind and subconscious mind. In the article below I will outline how you can develop positive thinking patterns to create the changes you want.
Positive thinking is a practice. By working with affirmations, and positive affirmations you develop a pattern for positive thinking -- but this is only something you learn over time. Positive thinking is not something that you were born with. Reciting and saying positive affirmations and long affirmations for health or success affirmations is not something that most people are use to doing. Instead, most people do not have a positive thinking pattern because they usually say negative statements or negative affirmations. I will introduce you to teaches you how to train your mind and subconscious mind to become more positive so that you practice positive thinking and learn to work with positive affirmations and other self improvement techniques throughout your life -- so that you constantly create the life you want. A little background about positive thinking and working with positive affirmations.
I'm sure many of you have heard of positive thinking, affirmations, positive affirmations, etc and probably have read books about the subject. Many people believe that positive thinking is something you do on occasion and that by saying an affirmation or two every once in a while you can create positive changes. I often hear people say: "I'm a positive thinker, things will improve I know that." This is good - but it's not enough to create positive results in your life. In fact you could equate this to wishful thinking.
Why?...Because positive thinking is not an attitude that you turn to when things go wrong. Saying an affirmation when you're in trouble won't help create immediate changes. Positive thinking is not something you do on occasion or keep in the back of your head.
Positive thinking is a practice! That's right a practice -- one that you combine with positive affirmations!, Positive thinking and saying affirmations is something you have to do everyday as often as possible when ever you can. By practicing positive thinking and by reciting affirmations everyday you create a state of mind where you are constantly positive - it becomes a state of being positive. The affirmations should come from you automatically - when this happens you're on the road to creating tremendous and long-term changes. In the end you create a tremendous amount of positive energy - that only creates positive situations for you everyday.
So how do we do this? How do we make positive thinking and affirmations a part of our daily lives so that we stop defeating ourselves and make our lives better?...
Actually it's quite easy - the trick is that it requires discipline and practice.
First begin by observing yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts. See how many thoughts are positive and how many are negative. Keep a notepad handy and keep track of the number of positive thoughts that you have and the number of negative thoughts you have. At the end of your day - take a look at that number - if you have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts - there's some work to do.
The next day - observe your thoughts again. This time pay attention to the types of negative thoughts that you are having. See how they impact your life. Are these negative thoughts a part of reality - is that the way life is. For example: if you say you hate your job - do you really hate it? If you say your boss is a pain - is he/she really a pain? If these negative thoughts are a part of your life - then you have created your own negative reality.
That's right you created it. Every negative belief you have is manifested in your life. These beliefs are based on the thoughts you have. Thoughts repeated over and over again become a belief and a belief becomes reality. Negative thoughts repeated over and over again will create a negative reality. Positive thoughts repeated over and over again - create a positive reality.
First you have to understand your negative thoughts and beliefs then only can you begin changing them. Once you begin changing them you begin creating a positive attitude - and ultimately you begin practicing positive thinking everyday. In order to get the most out of positive thinking you have to make it a way of life.
So begin by getting rid of those negative thoughts and negative beliefs, which serve you no purpose, except to make you miserable. Then you'll be able to begin having a positive attitude and start enjoying life again.
The next step is to start using all your inner powers to so you're your mind gets used to positive thinking and so that you are always carrying a positive attitude. Affirmations are a good start - but when you work with a number of different techniques at the same time you will create changes sooner. By working with affirmations and other techniques you will begin creating the life you want much sooner than if you simply worked with affirmations alone. These other techniques are your inner powers and learning to use them correctly starts with training and disciplining your mind and subconscious mind - which is the most powerful force you have. It is a force - that when used as it should - can create wonderful things in your life. I always say - imagine what you could achieve if you used all of the techniques, if you used all of your inner powers.