Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Introducing attitude and your mind

Attitude is about dealing with the reality of existence. From the commonsense point of view, your mind refers to your inner dialog of self-talk. Attitude is dealing with other people. Your mind can heal by mobilizing your body's innate healing powers. Attitude is about dealing with your emotional states from love and compassion to fear and anger. Attitude is having the fortitude to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

From the common sense point of view, your mind refers to your inner dialog of self-talk. This inner dialog of self-talk takes place parallel to whatever behavior you maybe engaging in. The Aristotelian subdivisions of the mind (perception, attention, imagination, emotion, motivation, memory and volition) or the mentalistic concepts of everyday speech can aid readers in dealing with their inner dialog of self-talk.
Your conscious mind refers to a subjective awareness of what is going on. You should view it as a subjective view of reality that your unconscious mind makes possible. Your conscious mind is a state of self-awareness, which is the net result of many parallel physiological processes. "The mind--a manifest functioning of the brain--and the other body systems interact in ways critical for health, illness, and well-being."
Your unconscious mind refers to the automatic processes controlled by your brain and nervous system that collectively take place without your awareness or conscious control. Any behavior that has become routine and is done without conscious thought is controlled by your unconscious mind, by definition. Emotions and feelings are an integral part of your experience of self-awareness. Yet emotions are a part of your unconscious mind because they operate automatically.
These mentalistic terms are a useful part of everyday speech. Any further hair splitting over terms and pursuit of unanswerable questions is best left to the philosophers. In no way should the reader assume that this mentalistic terminology has any necessary relevance to neuroscience. The main challenge confronting this website is to explain the mind as part of the mind - body connection.

How to change people's mindset through attitude renewal

When you say, "I like my job", "I am proud to be a part of my company", "I am very confident of completing the assignment", you are expressing your attitude. An attitude is a readiness to respond in a certain way to a person, object, idea or situation. Attitudes may remain relatively stable over time, others are subject to change with the accumulation of new information and experience. Attitude influences behaviour. Behaviour can also influence attitudes. For example, if Perera behaves in a certain way to please his boss, the response might be positive and Perera might find his attitude of disliking changing to liking. In this case, his own behaviour would have contributed to his change in attitude. Employee attitudes toward their job and company are important because they can influence productivity and satisfaction. An employee's general attitude towards his or her job is called job satisfaction.

Research has shown a negative relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism and turnover. A similar and ever stronger relationship is found between absenteeism and turnover and the organization's commitment, which is an indication of how strongly an individual identifies with her or his organization.
Employee attitudes are important and many companies measure them by means of attitude surveys.These surveys call upon employees to rate their attitudes towards their work, pay and benefits, supervisor, upper management, peer groups, opportunities for advancement and other areas. Effective managers augment these formal surveys with informal observation and indirect indicators such as absenteeism and turnover. The value of such surveys will depend largely on how skillfully and effectively managers use these results to improve identified problem areas.

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to set yourself up to succeed

Have you ever wondered where you got to where you are today? Have you ever wondered where you will be in five or ten years? Do you know what you want to achieve by the end of the day? If you want to succeed and achieve then you need to set goals because otherwise you will lack focus and direction. Even if you get where you want to be you may not realize it. Here is how to set goals and set your self up for success in five easy steps.

The first step is to think about what motivates you. What is it in life that you truly love and would do or want even if no one else was behind you? If you do things just because someone else wants you to then you will lose motivation very quickly. Think about what the high priorities are in your life. Think about what is on you must do or really want to do soon list.

Next set smart goals. If you need help please look at my other article on smart goals, written just before this one. These goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. You need to ensure that your goal is clear and well defined with no generalizations.
Now let's set the goals down on paper. This makes then real and tangible and gives you no excuse to forget. You can share them with friends and family to garner support.

Once the goals are on paper it is time to set an action plan. This means you need to step back and think not just of the desired outcome but of the steps that are required to reach that outcome. Write down each of these steps so that you can cross them off when you achieve them and track your progress towards your goals.

Last but not least do not give up. There may be many times when you get frustrated but you need to plow through, read your goals, and keep with it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How positive thinking and affirmations…

Are you ready to begin achieving your goals and living the life you want?...

I'm about to show you how simple positive thinking and affirmations when combined with other powerful techniques will improve your life tremendously.....By working with positive thinking, affirmations and other self improvement techniques you will be able to change your reality by attracting the positive situations, circumstances and events that will help you achieve all your goals. This is done by properly communicating with the power of your mind and subconscious mind. In the article below I will outline how you can develop positive thinking patterns to create the changes you want.

Positive thinking is a practice. By working with affirmations, and positive affirmations you develop a pattern for positive thinking -- but this is only something you learn over time. Positive thinking is not something that you were born with. Reciting and saying positive affirmations and long affirmations for health or success affirmations is not something that most people are use to doing. Instead, most people do not have a positive thinking pattern because they usually say negative statements or negative affirmations. I will introduce you to teaches you how to train your mind and subconscious mind to become more positive so that you practice positive thinking and learn to work with positive affirmations and other self improvement techniques throughout your life -- so that you constantly create the life you want. A little background about positive thinking and working with positive affirmations.

I'm sure many of you have heard of positive thinking, affirmations, positive affirmations, etc and probably have read books about the subject. Many people believe that positive thinking is something you do on occasion and that by saying an affirmation or two every once in a while you can create positive changes. I often hear people say: "I'm a positive thinker, things will improve I know that." This is good - but it's not enough to create positive results in your life. In fact you could equate this to wishful thinking.

Why?...Because positive thinking is not an attitude that you turn to when things go wrong. Saying an affirmation when you're in trouble won't help create immediate changes. Positive thinking is not something you do on occasion or keep in the back of your head.

Positive thinking is a practice! That's right a practice -- one that you combine with positive affirmations!, Positive thinking and saying affirmations is something you have to do everyday as often as possible when ever you can. By practicing positive thinking and by reciting affirmations everyday you create a state of mind where you are constantly positive - it becomes a state of being positive. The affirmations should come from you automatically - when this happens you're on the road to creating tremendous and long-term changes. In the end you create a tremendous amount of positive energy - that only creates positive situations for you everyday.
So how do we do this? How do we make positive thinking and affirmations a part of our daily lives so that we stop defeating ourselves and make our lives better?...

Actually it's quite easy - the trick is that it requires discipline and practice.
First begin by observing yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts. See how many thoughts are positive and how many are negative. Keep a notepad handy and keep track of the number of positive thoughts that you have and the number of negative thoughts you have. At the end of your day - take a look at that number - if you have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts - there's some work to do.

The next day - observe your thoughts again. This time pay attention to the types of negative thoughts that you are having. See how they impact your life. Are these negative thoughts a part of reality - is that the way life is. For example: if you say you hate your job - do you really hate it? If you say your boss is a pain - is he/she really a pain? If these negative thoughts are a part of your life - then you have created your own negative reality.

That's right you created it. Every negative belief you have is manifested in your life. These beliefs are based on the thoughts you have. Thoughts repeated over and over again become a belief and a belief becomes reality. Negative thoughts repeated over and over again will create a negative reality. Positive thoughts repeated over and over again - create a positive reality.

First you have to understand your negative thoughts and beliefs then only can you begin changing them. Once you begin changing them you begin creating a positive attitude - and ultimately you begin practicing positive thinking everyday. In order to get the most out of positive thinking you have to make it a way of life.

So begin by getting rid of those negative thoughts and negative beliefs, which serve you no purpose, except to make you miserable. Then you'll be able to begin having a positive attitude and start enjoying life again.

The next step is to start using all your inner powers to so you're your mind gets used to positive thinking and so that you are always carrying a positive attitude. Affirmations are a good start - but when you work with a number of different techniques at the same time you will create changes sooner. By working with affirmations and other techniques you will begin creating the life you want much sooner than if you simply worked with affirmations alone. These other techniques are your inner powers and learning to use them correctly starts with training and disciplining your mind and subconscious mind - which is the most powerful force you have. It is a force - that when used as it should - can create wonderful things in your life. I always say - imagine what you could achieve if you used all of the techniques, if you used all of your inner powers.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Why women smile

Women, as a rule, smile more than men, but the difference between the sexes disappears depending on the circumstances. For women, smiling is the default option.
For men, the default is not smiling.

"If you don't know what to do and you're a female you smile because you know you're not making a mistake. If you're a man, you don't smile,"According to some researchers, smiling is less a sign of underlying emotion than a social display meant for others.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to know if ...

...a guy likes you
There's no way to know for sure if a guy likes you, unless you ask him (and even then he could get shy and say no!); here are some tips to help you determine if he likes you.
Examine his body language...If he likes you, you may see that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans towards you, and also looks at you a lot. If he slouches his shoulders when near you, he's romantic and cares about what you have to say. If he points his shoulders and pelvis towards you while sitting, he is definitely feeling something for you.

Notice his eye contact... If he likes you, he may either look away quickly if he is shy, or he'll try to catch your eye and hold it or make faces. This can be uncomfortable if you don't like him. If you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly, then there is something there. When he's around you and he says/does something funny and everyone around laughs, his eyes will flicker towards you for a second to see if you laughed, too. His pupils may dilate...if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes. If you're around him for a long time, it could be easier to pick up on gradually.
Listen to what he's saying... If he likes you, and he's nervous, he'll probably start talking about himself. Many times, guys feel the need to prove themselves- especially if you talk about another guy in his company.

Be aware of touching...He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, and won't move his leg if it happens to touch yours, or he may hug you for small things - all are good signs of a guy liking you, unless he's a bit of a "playboy" who flirts with a lot of girls. See if he uses any of the tricks in how to touch a girl, and see if he uses them more with you than with anyone else.

Watch his actions around other girls and see if he treats you differently... Some guys flirt with other girls to get your attention. It gives them a chance to see your reaction, and helps them know if you really do like them or not. You can tell that they are trying to make you jealous if they find little times when they're flirting with the other girl to look at you. His eyes will flick over and look at you. Another sign is that when you leave, he stops flirting with the other girl. That will be a harder one to pick up on, but you can have a friend look for you or something like that. You have to be sneaky sometimes to find out if a guy likes you.
Watch for him showing interest in things you like and do...

Check for signs of nervousness...nervous laughter, sweaty palms, deep breaths, fidgeting, looking away quickly when you notice if he is watching you are all good signs of an attraction towards you and that he is nervous about making an impression on someone he fancies.

Pay attention to his friends...If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him.

Look to see if he imitates you...If he mimics you, he probably likes you.

Teasing If a guy teases you a lot, it might mean he likes you, but if he doesn't tease any other girl, he probably does like you. Compliments...If you do your hair or makeup differently one day, and the guy notices, that's a very good sign that he likes you.
...a girls likes you
Not sure what those glances, smiles and looks mean? Follow these steps to find out if she really likes you. Strike up a small conversation. This will help you learn little things that will come in handy in the future.
Listen to the tone of her voice

Watch for signs of flirting...If she's flirting, she may be difficult to read, either way, don't "flirt around".
Notice if she touches you more often than what friends do (she's constantly trying to touch your hand or something). If she finds excuses to do so, then you're probably on the right track. But conversely, don't assume that just because she isn't touching you that she doesn't like you. She may be too nervous of you to touch you yet. Break the touch barrier yourself.

Observe how she looks at you...If she likes you, she will either hold it for a long time or pull away immediately. Either of these could mean that she likes you. If she pulls away quickly, it means she is nervous but she still likes you - which means that you should probably make the first move. Look at her friends. If you see most of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this means that she is telling her friends about you.

Look out for the damsel in distress...if you're outside and the girl you like is nearby and starts loudly saying "I'm cold!", that's a subtle hint that she wants you to give her your sweater. This is a very sweet gesture, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her. If there are other guys and she likes one of those guys, however, she might act disappointed when you offer yours to her first, in which case at least you'll know how she feels and can move on. Sometimes a girl will pretend to be really bad at something, and say that they can't do it. That is your cue to offer some assistance, and she will most likely be doing this on purpose just to see your reaction. Smile at her.
Do a natural smile - don't freak her out...if she smiles politely, or frowns and looks away, say goodbye to her. She is obviously freaked out by you. If she returns a soft or big smile and continues to look at you, then she is interested. If she smiles then darts over to the crowd of her friends and hides in the group then she may be nervous and curious if you know that she likes you.

Friday, December 4, 2009

How to make your smile more attractive

Ever look at the opposite (or even the same) sex, they give you a really warm and nice-looking smile and you get a really good feeling about that person - whether it’s that you’re on the same wavelength, you’re attracted to them or you just want to go over and make conversation?A nice looking smile is an important aspect of non-verbal communication. A smile is the center of giving thanks, showing appreciation, accepting a deal, falling in love, making small talk and exhibiting inner happiness.
As science has revealed, there are natural ways to increase the quality of your smile.

Here are five ways you can have a warm, nicer looking and much more attractive smile:

Brush your teeth properly. Many people restrict their smile because they’re ashamed at the quality of their teeth. Make sure you give your teeth the time necessary to keep bacteria and plaque away. One lady I recently made gave me one of the most amazing smiles I’ve ever seen. I asked her how she smiled so nicely. She told me that as she takes care and time in brushing her teeth, she has nothing to worry about how she looks. (By the way, asking how a lady smiles so well - good or bad pickup line?)

Avoid snacking. Snacks that are high in sugar and carbs are worse as they can attack your teeth using the acid for as long as 20 minuts. Bacteria feed on the sugar and may start to grow on your teeth and gums. These include simple sugars in fruits, breads and vegetables. So ensure you time your eating with cleaning your teeth.

Drink plenty water. The most prominent feature when it comes to your overall health is always about water. Water will ensure your body has plenty fluid and doesn’t suffer from internal dehydration allowing your skin and lips to look smooth and sensational. Also, by drinking lots of water, you’ll prevent getting bad breath.

Straight teeth. We’re talking about a good smile here so I’ve got to write about teeth. Having straight teeth is an important facet of beautiful smiling. If you haven’t got straight teeth, do your best to get some by seeing a dentist/orthodontist and the effort you put in now will be great for future years. A more faster approach but more costly is cosmetic dentistry.

Live a healthy lifestyle. The most beautiful smile shines from within. Working out, eating right and practicing good overall hygiene will not only promote healthy teeth and gums, it will make you feel good about yourself. Your self-confidence and positive energy will radiate out of your expression’s most important asset - your beautiful smile.

How to give better instructions

If you're the boss, you have to give directions. It's part of the job. Do the job well and you only have to do it once. Do the job poorly and you have to do it again. You might even have to fix things that have been done wrong. Here are three rules and twelve tips for giving good instructions. First, here's a quick list of the three rules.
Rule 1:
Give instructions in the ways that work best for your subordinate

Rule 2:
Give your directions in more than one way.

Rule 3:
Check for understanding Now let's review the rules in detail.

Rule 1:
Give instructions in the ways that work best for your subordinate. Different people process information in different ways. To be most effective, you need to master different ways of presenting instructions so you can choose and use the best way for each subordinate. Psychologists tell us that there are three basic information processing modes. Visual processors think in pictures, while auditory ones think in sound and dialogue. Kinesthetic processors need motion and gesture to understand. Frame your instructions in language that matches your subordinate's preferred mode.

Use the language that your subordinate likes. Note the phrases they use to indicate things they approve of such as "That sounds good" or "It feels right" or "It makes sense." If you use familiar terms when giving instructions, your subordinates are more likely to get the message. Some people prefer you to start with concrete examples and then move to a general principle. Others prefer you to start with the general principle and then provide examples. If you are familiar with the people who work for you, you should learn about what's important to them and how they communicate. Use sports examples for sports lovers and cooking or gardening examples for people who enjoy those pastimes.
Rule 2:
Give your directions in more than one way. Here are a few ways that work. Use diagrams and pictures. These can be a great supplement to words alone. Bulleted lists let people review a number of things quickly. If there's a priority or sequence to your instructions, use a numbered list. Use "if-then" charts to help people understand options.
List possible situations your subordinate might confront in the "If" column. Then, right next to it in the "Then" column list the response you expect. If it's appropriate, act out your instructions or demonstrate. You may want your subordinate to shadow someone who is already good at the task. Stories are the ways that human beings have made sense of complex issues since the dawn of language. Use stories to help you make your points. Write important instructions down so your subordinate can carry them away and refer to them as needed. Lists and if-then charts are excellent for this.
Rule 3:
Check for understanding. Stop from time to time and check to determine if your subordinate understands your message. Stop if your subordinate gives signs of not understanding. Stop after each key point to check and see if he or she understands. Have your subordinate demonstrate understanding in more than one way. Words alone are excellent. But demonstrations or "what-if" scenarios are excellent, too. Note key trouble points that others have had with similar instructions. Check your subordinate's understanding of each. This may seem like an elaborate way to complete the simple task of giving instructions, but the more you master the techniques and practice them, the more likely you are to succeed.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Good listener

Listening to people is a fine art that needs to practiced. If you are like most people, then chances are you often interrupt others while they are still talking.

......In your defense, you could say that a long winded, one sided conversation is the quickest turn off ever, and while this might be true, it just show basics respect for the other person when we are prepared to listen to them without consistently interrupting their speech.