Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why would you want to push away the people you love the most

Opening yourself up to love another person also means that you are opening yourself up to be loved. A lot of people are very conflicted on the way they look at themselves. You may not want the other person to see what you fear would make them not love you anymore and want to leave you, so you try to "make it happen" before it "happens" to you. And even if you may not think (subconsciously or not) that they would reject you, you may feel that there are parts of you that you would rather not share with someone whose respect you value.

Because you are doing something to hurt yourself and you don't want to hurt them or to have them try to change what you're doing. Or you're hurting and its one of those self loathing things....why do people do this? I really don't know, but we do. Kinda like pushing a bruise to see if it still hurts. Allowing people to get close would mean getting over the pain.

Sometimes there are things that you go through that you don't want that other person to be involved because you don't want to hurt them.

Loving someone opens up the deeper parts of your being and some of those parts may be unresolved or unhealed. It can be less painful to push the person away rather than to confront the issue within.

Being afraid that you'll hurt them more if you stay with them, than if you pushed them away. Love is also something huge. Big events in life scare people because they are the unknown……