Friday, August 28, 2009

What makes people happy

What makes people happy? Shameless happiness comes from pleasing yourself -- not all of the time but most of the time. Doing what's best for you will help to make you happy; it is one of the keys to shameless happiness. Pleasing others can make you happy. But who's going to please you? Who's going to do what's best for you? If you're going to be happy, then it's up to you to please yourself.There are times when you will want to do what you can to please others. And that's a good thing. Pleasing others makes the world a better place for all of us.

But there are times when it's best to please yourself, to do what's right for you. If you're constantly striving to please others then it's only a matter of time before they learn to take advantage of you. Pretty soon you'll have no time for pleasing yourself.Pleasing yourself is open and honest. When you please yourself you are being true to yourself. It's when you are true to yourself that you are most happy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time management

Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity

Effective time management is a primary means to a less stressful life. These practices can help you reduce your stress and reclaim your personal life.

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number and complexity of projects you have that need to be completed at work each day? Do you often feel the day flies by without your devoting the necessary attention to each assignment because other tasks keep landing on your desk, co-workers interrupt you with questions or you can't get it all organized? You probably know that effective time management will help you get more done each day. It has important health benefits, too. By managing your time more wisely, you can minimize stress and improve your quality of life.
But how do you get back on track when organizational skills don't come naturally? To get started, choose one of these strategies, try it for two to four weeks and see if it helps. If it does, consider adding another one.

If not, try a different one. Plan each day. Planning your day can help you accomplish more and feel more in control of your life. Write a to-do list, putting the most important tasks at the top. Keep a schedule of your daily activities to minimize conflicts and last-minute rushes.

Prioritize your tasks. Time-consuming but relatively unimportant tasks can consume a lot of your day. Prioritizing tasks will ensure that you spend your time and energy on those that are truly important to you. Say no to nonessential tasks. Consider your goals and schedule before agreeing to take on additional work. Delegate. Take a look at your to-do list and consider what you can pass on to someone else.

Take the time you need to do a quality job. Doing work right the first time may take more time upfront, but errors usually result in time spent making corrections, which takes more time overall. Break large, time-consuming tasks into smaller tasks. Work on them a few minutes at a time until you get them all done. Practice the 10-minute rule. Work on a dreaded task for 10 minutes each day. Once you get started, you may find you can finish it.

Evaluate how you're spending your time. Keep a diary of everything you do for three days to determine how you're spending your time. Look for time that can be used more wisely. For example, could you take a bus or train to work and use the commute to catch up on reading? If so, you could free up some time to exercise or spend with family or friends.

Limit distractions. Block out time on your calendar for big projects. During that time, close your door and turn off your phone, pager and e-mail. Get plenty of sleep, have a healthy diet and exercise regularly. A healthy lifestyle can improve your focus and concentration, which will help improve your efficiency so that you can complete your work in less time.
Take a time management course. If your employer offers continuing education, take a time management class. If your workplace doesn't have one, find out if a local community college, university or community education program does. Take a break when needed. Too much stress can derail your attempts at getting organized. When you need a break, take one. Take a walk. Do some quick stretches at your workstation. Take a day of vacation to rest and re-energize.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Diet during Ramadhan Al Mubarak

It is a globally recognized and foremost part of dietary guidelines that eating a variety of food using principles of moderation and balance. This is particularly true during the Islamic month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. To be healthy, one must consume food from the major food groups: bread and cereal, milk and dairy product, meat and bean, vegetable and fruit. During the month long fast of Ramadan the metabolic rate of a fasting person slows down and other regulatory mechanisms start functioning. Body and dietary fat is efficiently utilized. Consuming total food intake that is less than the total food intake during normal days is sufficient to maintain a person's health. Intake of fruits after a meal is strongly suggested. A balanced diet improves blood cholesterol profile, reduces gastric acidity, prevents constipation and other digestive problems, and contributes to an active and healthy life style.
According to Sunna (the practices of Prophet Muhammad, Pbuh) and research findings referred in this report, a dietary plan is given: Bread/Cereal/Rice, Pasta, Biscuits and Cracker Group: 6-11 servings/day;

  1. Meat/Beans/ Nut Group: 2-3 servings/day.
    Milk and Milk Product Group: 2-3 servings/day.
    Vegetable Group: 3-5 servings/day;
    Fruit Group: 2-4 servings/day.
    Added sugar (table sugar, sucrose): sparingly.
  2. Added fat, polyunsaturated oil 4-7 table spoons.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Discover your power color

Are you feeling blue? Seeing red? Looking green around the gills? Try a healthy dose of color therapy. It might be just the prescription you need!Our ancestors believed that color held magical properties. It could be used to ward off evil spirits, attract good ones, and even heal the sick. While in this age of hard science and cool technology we may view such beliefs with skepticism, our fascination with color has taken on new forms. Biochemists, environmental and industrial psychologists, make-up experts, wardrobe consultants, and, of course, advertising pros have studied color and found how it affects mood, health, image, perception, even heart rate. Certain colors can prompt you to eat faster, perceive objects differently, and even make you spend more money.
Although babies are drawn most strongly to bright colors, and children often prefer solid, vibrant hues, adults tend to choose more subdued tints and shades of color: pink and rose or maroon instead of fire-engine red, for instance, or peach, melon or rust instead of bright orange. To surround yourself with what you feel comfortable is most important. Certain colors can ramp up your mood, but only if they appeal to you. If they don't, they can do the opposite.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A good attitude is an uplifting attitude, A happy person exudes good attitude

Attitude has a lot to do with interpersonal communications, self-esteem and your perceptions of others and theirs of you. Yes, you’re going to have bad days, but you should give thought to your attitude and try to focus on the positive. A good attitude makes you feel better. Others see this and judge you by that. People want to work in an upbeat environment, and attitudes play an important role in shaping the work environment. Your attitude is communicated to others in three ways, by words, by tone of voice and in non-verbal ways, such as posture.
All of us, at one time or another, express the three different types of attitudes: positive, negative and neutral. Those with a neutral attitude are sometimes the most challenging to deal with, defining those individuals as spectators in the game of life. We often try to avoid contact with those carrying a negative attitude, the critics of the game of life. And we are drawn to those with a positive attitude, the players of the game of life. A positive attitude doesn’t just happen, It’s something you have to work at all the time. So how do you adjust your attitude toward the positive and maintain that attitude?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Positive thinking

You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind. You can change who you are by changing what you put into your mind. When you change the way you think, you change your life.
Although the wheel of change turns slowly, it always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind. When you put new things into your mind, you get a new life.

Positive action is the only appropriate response to a negative thought. No matter how negative your life is, positive thinking always makes it better.
Turn bad things into better things.

Maximum strength positive thinking.
How to create positive self talk.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bridging the communication gap between men and women

You’ve probably been there before. You sit down for a latte with your best friend and immediately her eyes start to swell with tears as she blurts out “I don’t know why, but he just won’t open up to me!” Or you and your best bud meet up at a local shop and he greets you with “Man, my girl just talked my ear off. I need a drink!” Or perhaps you were on the other end of the conversation, not understanding why you and your relationship partner were having communication problems. Men and women usually communicate and respond very differently during conversations with each other.
Because men and women interact and interpret differently, conflicts or misunderstandings can, and often do, arise. A man and woman can walk away from a conversation having gotten two totally different perspectives on how the talk went and its resolution. These different perspectives can cause dissatisfaction in one or both partners and can lead to misinterpretation, anger, or resentfulness if not properly understood and recognized.
To better understand why couples often feel that their partner doesn’t understand them, it is important to look at some of the fundamental communication differences between men and women. Keep in mind that, while psychologists have discovered these differences through clinical research, they are still generalizations. Just because most men and women communicate this way, doesn’t mean that all do or that you and your partner do. But, understanding these differences can help you determine your own communication differences and get you back on the fast track toward reconnecting with your partner.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Handwriting analysis

Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is the science involved in producing a personality profile of the writer by examining the characteristics, traits and strokes of an individual's handwriting. Graphologist can gather an astonishing amount of information about the writer just from analyzing their handwriting. Besides creating a complete personality profile, many other things are revealed in your handwriting, such as health issues, morality, past experiences, hidden talents, mental problems.
Your brain guides your hand. Everything put on paper is a result of a two-way circuit between your brain and the motor reflex muscles of your hand. Thus, your handwriting becomes a Polygraph or Oscilloscope read-out of your "complete self." To you, it's just handwriting, but to a handwriting analyst, it paints a picture of the person "behind the pen."

When analyzing writing style, first look at the handwriting in general, much like you would a painting. Make mental notes of the most outstanding traits and try to get a general feeling of the writer. Then, determine the emotional energy of the writer. This is the most important factor of the personality of the writer. The emotional energy has a direct impact on every other trait displayed in the handwriting. Emotional energy is determined by how much pressure the writer uses when he writes. If you examine the writing you can determine how much pressure was used by how "dark" the writing is. Also, if you turn the page over and feel the underside you can feel how much pressure was used.

Emotional energy is a combination of the physical and mental energy level. Writers with heavy pressure are usually highly successful. They have a lot of vitality and their emotional experiences last for a long time. Writers who write with average pressure are usually moderately successful and usually have enough energy to make it through the day. Those with light pressure try to avoid energy draining situations.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to find best friends

Everyone wants to have a best friend. Friendships change over time and your best friend from childhood may not be someone you are close to anymore. And as we get older, it’s harder to form new friendships. Here are some ways to find a best friend.
Step 1
Get out. You have to be out and about to meet new people. Join a club. Check if your local library offers book club meetings. Or take a class at your local community college. Meet people who have interests similar to yours.
Step 2
Network. The people you already know also know other people. Get your name out there! Persuse social networking websites like or but be careful about giving out too much personal information to people you meet online.
Step 3
Go to after work functions. If your co-workers occasionally go out for dinner or drinks, join them. The more you go out, the more you will be in touch with others. Attend work-sponsored parties or outings.
Step 4
Make the first move. That new person at work also may be looking for a new friends. Invite your coworker to lunch and get to know each other. If a new family moves into your neighborhood, offer to show them around town. People are always drawn to a friendly, outgoing person, so make that person be you!
Step 5
Participate at your children’s school. Hang out with the parents of your kid’s friends. Volunteer for school functions and you will meet plenty of people.
Step 6
Move to a new neighborhood. If you haven’t made any friends at your current address, change the location. Sometimes a move is all it takes to get you in sync with new people.

Graphology: Connections between handwriting and personality are illusory

At first glance the myth that our personalities might be hidden in our handwriting is attractive. The way each of us writes is so personal, apparently in just the same way our personalities are so individual. Handwriting is also a mode of personal expression, a creative act we have been developing our whole lives.

Sure, people can guess the author's gender from a handwriting sample about 60% to 70% of the time, bearing in mind that 50% is pure chance. People also perform better than chance at guessing an author's socioeconomic status from their handwriting. But can you really read any deep psychological truths into a person's handwriting?...

Maybe people who have fast handwriting are impulsive? Maybe untidy handwriting means depression? Graphologists have gone much further, though, in interpreting handwriting.,Impressive claims, no? Let's check them out...,Putting graphology to the test...

Female courtship gestures and signals

All women, use some basic preening gestures, like touching their hair, adjusting their clothing, putting their hands on their hips, pointing their body towards the male, prolonging an intimate gaze, making increased eye contact etc. All these signals tend to say that the woman is up for some kind of non-physical relationship or maybe just a conversation. But there are some exceptions yo this: for instance, some people pull their hair, which sometimes indicates previous child abuse, or physical abuse, since it is a sign of nerves.
In addition to this, women may show their need for attention by widening their pupils and flushing their cheeks. Some other female signs for a relationship could be sideways glances, or looking into the mirror frequently, crossing and uncrossing their legs in front of a man, caressing their thighs or calf or knee. Another commonly seen gesture is the position of their footwear. If a woman is sitting with a man and her footwear is just balanced on her toe then it shows a higher level of comfort in his presence.
Some of the other gestures often seen are:

Hip Rolling: This is one of the most often observable gestures in commercials. It has been exploited by models to draw attention on the ramp and in many adverts, by movie stars and even by prostitutes to attract clients. This act is supposedly done by a female to draw attention to her pelvis. If a man acts out such a signal, it indicates that he may be homosexual.

Wet Lips Gesture: Some females wet their lips or put on a lot of lipstick to give them a wet appearance. This clearly gives a sexual invitation. Most prostitutes use this gesture to attract males or other clients. Still, this does not always represent a sexual invitation, since some females merely like to maintain their appearance or just dress for work. Head Toss: One can see this signal resorted to by almost every woman. In this gesture, the woman flicks her head to throw her hair back over the shoulders or away from her face. Even women with short hair use this gesture in front of men. It is a clear show of their interest in that man for some kind of a relationship.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What to do about negative people?

When you're in the universe, you're going to encounter a number of people and situations. However, it's how you react to these situations that will determine the course of your life and the length of the path to your dreams.

All of us know someone who is negative or who always seems to be having a bad time in their life. And while sympathizing might seem like the best way to help him or her feel better, sometimes you need to do more in order to live the positive life that you want to live.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Make real choice the basis for success in hiring the right people

Act in haste and repent at your leisure. Who of us hasn't at some time acted in haste and later regretted a hasty decision? I suspect we all have done that. Lots of little decisions can be made quickly based on personal experience, intuition, biases, and our body of knowledge without much damage being done. But when it comes to hiring the right people for the right job, acting in haste will have long term negative consequences.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How to have a good relationship

Good and healthy relationship are made when people realize that life is interesting. Many relationships end very quickly, because people fail to sustain them. In the relationship, garnering positive resources has tremendous significance. Every marriage needs a healthy dose of on-going romance to add spice, delight, and fun to the relationship. Interpersonal relationship involves social connection and affiliation. A relationship is a specific connection between objects, entities or concepts. In a healthy relationship, everyone needs to make compromises. Almost every one of us has had a past relationship that left us feeling wary of loving or trusting anyone again.
Communication is for expressing and sharing feeling to each other. Intimacy is a huge part of a successful relationship. Relationships are not only about taking; they are about giving as well. The approach of positive psychology in facing the challenges of marriage and relationships focuses on identifying the good. Without quality time, your relationship will not survive. Loss of relationship is negative change. Humor and playfulness are shared pleasures that create a sense of intimacy and connection, two of the healthiest qualities a relationship can have. Do not lie with your partner it creates disconnection in your relationship.

Teach your son or daughter that healthy relationships are based on respect, caring, trust, and desire to help each other grow. Long term relationships require care and work to maintain closeness. relationships are faced with challenges, people quit trying. You must keep place for trust in your relationship. The activity does not matter but the fact you are together is important. Many people have unhealthy relationship. Because they try to ignore the reality. Harmful thoughts, words and action are causes for bad relationship. You have to trust on each other. Keep interest in your partner's lives.


Why would you want to push away the people you love the most

Opening yourself up to love another person also means that you are opening yourself up to be loved. A lot of people are very conflicted on the way they look at themselves. You may not want the other person to see what you fear would make them not love you anymore and want to leave you, so you try to "make it happen" before it "happens" to you. And even if you may not think (subconsciously or not) that they would reject you, you may feel that there are parts of you that you would rather not share with someone whose respect you value.

Because you are doing something to hurt yourself and you don't want to hurt them or to have them try to change what you're doing. Or you're hurting and its one of those self loathing things....why do people do this? I really don't know, but we do. Kinda like pushing a bruise to see if it still hurts. Allowing people to get close would mean getting over the pain.

Sometimes there are things that you go through that you don't want that other person to be involved because you don't want to hurt them.

Loving someone opens up the deeper parts of your being and some of those parts may be unresolved or unhealed. It can be less painful to push the person away rather than to confront the issue within.

Being afraid that you'll hurt them more if you stay with them, than if you pushed them away. Love is also something huge. Big events in life scare people because they are the unknown……


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tips for a healthy diet and better nutrition

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible – all which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and incorporating them in a way that works for you.


Why do you dream

No one actually knows why people dream. Doctors have theories though. One theory that doctors have is: When you are at school, home, or somewhere, there are so many things that are going on that you don't think about during the day, night, etc. When you sleep, in other words dream, you think about all of the things that have happened. Also, during the day or night, if you are worried or upset, or feeling something about someone, something, etc., it all comes out. You think/ dream about it when asleep.
Even without understanding the meaning of your dreams you are helped by their images, which show you aspects of your daily reality that you tend to despise and which reflect your internal, psychical world.You dreams are basically warnings, because they have a protective character. The best thing you can do is to care about learning their hidden meaning, besides being helped only because they alarm you, instead of letting you continue making the same mistakes without being bothered at all.

This is why you have to learn the dream language. However, the simple dreams about the person you love are very clear and you can understand them many times, even without knowing how to translate the symbolic dream language. You only need to understand the dream logic and learn the meaning of a few dream symbols. Your dreams have a mission: to show you the truth that you ignore and the reality that you deny seeing, because you are not intelligent enough and you refuse to care about the things you dislike.