However, it is best to be careful in doing and interpreting body language. Not everyone is comfortable with intimate body movements like being too close or touching his arm. For instance, if you lean too close to a guy, he might think your are overly aggressive or invading his space. In case he becomes queasy about it, apologize and put an ample distance between the two of you. At least that would give him a signal that you are sincere and caring.
He has good eye contact – Looking at another guy's eyes is one of the easiest ways to check if he is interested in you. If his eyes look friendly and show sincerity to you, then getting along with him won't be much of a problem.
His legs are slightly apart – Like straight men, gay men tend to make themselves attractive to other guys through their body positions. Putting their legs slightly apart make them appear taller, hotter, and more attractive. If he does this to you, then he is probably trying to catch your attention. You could probably even take a little peek downward if he's trying to show off his package. He twirls his hair – You may think it's a girl thing, but combing his hair (especially above the ear) using his fingers is a sign of attraction. If he tries to twirl your hair gently, then let him do so.
His smile is wide open – You cannot fake a good smile. If the guy smiles widely, even showing the laugh lines or crow's feet if the guy's a bit more mature, then he has genuine fascination or attraction for you. Some guys would even smile to show their dimples.
Guys often resort to cheesy pick up lines or conventional dating strategies to get them through meeting women. They are often unsuccessful since they have missed on acquiring the most efficient ways on how to read their body language. The solution lies on how well you can read her reaction to the things you've said while engaging in a conversation.Women consciously try to conceal their responses and resorts to backing off when confronted with men who appear to be too aggressive or too weird, but on the other hand extend their flirting signals to men they find appealing.
Hair patting - A woman somehow feels unsure of herself when faced with a man she's interested in and would try to touch or fix her hair in a casual manner to see if it's still neatly in place and it doesn't get in your view of her face.
Her posture - When she suddenly mantains an upright posture and tries to check you underhandedly, this means you got her attention. She pushes her hair on the back or sides and has her toes pointing your way when she crosses her legs. It's your cue to approach her.Both raised eyebrows - A woman's eyebrows can disclose much of what she feels. Both her eyebrows raised when looking towards you spells her curiosity. When only one eyebrow is arched, it may mean that she's examining you still but the attraction has yet to exist.